Our Software Development Service

Software Development

Compro Computer is dedicated in making customer’s businesses more dynamic and smoothly by providing required software solution. We provide pre-packaged Vendor Software from the reputed company like Microsoft, Adobe, macromedia, Sun Microsystems, Norton etc. Compro is specialized in developing customized software for bank, hotel, school, industries and other firms. We have well experienced staffs that are highly qualified in developing software in various fields.

Different phases of software development

System analysis:
This is the most crucial area in the process of software development. Here, the project manager will analyze the available system in your company. In the process of system analyses we expect one of your experienced staff to assist the project manager in responding to the inquiries of project manager. The whole process of analyzing is very important, as it help in generating highly customized software for your business.

Software development:
The project manager guides the software programmer to develop the solution as per the precise analyses of your system. In this phase the programmer delve deeply in producing the software as according to the project manager guidance.

Demo and feedback:
In this phase, Compro would request one of your appointed staff to analyze the software. Here we expect suggestion and modification that are needed to further augment the software. We will jot down all those necessary modification that’s need to be done and according to the feed back compro’s programmer will again develop the software.

Finalizing and installing the products:
With all those modifications Compro assume the software to be the final. We will send few of our staff to your office. These staff will install, configure and make all those necessary arrangement for the software to be use.

Briefing on the software:
Compro will arrange for specific date, where our staff will explain the details about the software. Here, we will clear up all those doubts and enquiries of your staff. With this phase Compro regard the phases to be finished.

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